Yes, the head and shoulders shampoo can remove hair dye. When the soap becomes the color of the hair dye, cover your hair with a shower cap. Awesome XXL Full Bearded hipster style 😎 hair You might want to put an old towel on your shoulders just in case. Fade hair dye with head and shoulders . Head and shoulders/most antidandruff shampoos, baby shampoo and washing up liquid will all help fade coloured hair, i'm not sure how it will effect the hair extensions as it tends to dry out hair. I used 1/2 cup each. So if you use the voluming head & shoulders it won't fade your hair at all. Lemon juice and baking soda to. It didn’t make a crazy amount of difference but over time we can definitely see how it would help to fade your colour a lot quicker. What hair dye does, is it fills contained in the pores with colour, making it richer, thicker finding, and darker in colour ofcourse. Your hair will more than likely drip down onto your shoulders, and dye can st...